Wellness is a journey, not a destination. Through yoga, we are able to explore the present moment, and it is only in the present that we can see the path onward.
Drew Doty, Founder, CYT-500
My Story
"It was while I was in college after a series of sports injuries and way too many concussions, that I really began to take yoga seriously. I was at a point where my jaw would not come together, running more than a mile or even just sitting in a chair for too long would make my shoulders cramp so hard I couldn't breathe.
Then in 2012, a friend convinced me to do a 30-day yoga challenge and it rocked my world. Not only did my jaw come back together fully without surgery, but my shoulder pain disappeared and I began to feel a sense of home in myself that I never knew was possible.
In 2015, I completed my 200-hr teacher training under Andrea Bilderback and Michael Loyd-Billington. They showed me how to live and teach this ancient practice in a post-modern setting. With a strong focus on anatomy and physiology, I graduated from the training empowered to work with people from diverse ability levels and backgrounds. Since then, I have spent hundreds of hours teaching phenomenal people like you.
Be it sports injuries, navigating a chronic illness, or quieting the itty-bitty-shitty committee in my head, yoga has always been my greatest teacher and healer. I founded Onward to help people like you flow into a calmer, stronger, and more wholehearted life. I cannot wait to see you on the mat."